
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Hands That Hold the Strings

"We're all puppets...I'm just a puppet who can see the strings." These words were penned by the illustrious Alan Moore in the centennial classic Watchmen , a graphic novel about adults in colorful spandex bemoaning the constant threat of nuclear war, much like a good amount of my social circle. They inspire me every time I am compelled to learn about something, especially when it's related to politics. I can go on and on about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with regards to its legality and illegality, but if there's one thing I know about rights and the law, it's that they're most often treated as just another set of strings. The recognition of Palestine as a state by many member of the United Nations is proof enough of that. What's worth discussing, in my view, are the hands that hold the strings. Two primary tenets of political science are power and legitimacy. In order for a state, here meaning the legal and political boundaries o

My Introduction to Zionism (And What That Word Means)

I go by X Judah. This is an alias, obviously, and anyone with a sufficiently keen eye may be able to deduce what sort of person would use it, but I would like to clarify why I have started this blog regardless of whether or not anyone will read it. I am a Zionist. After due consideration, I have found my preferred category of Zionism with great difficulty. I am a Revisionist Zionist with Neo-Zionist leanings. This is atypical of my upbringing: I was raised in a politically progressive environment with moderate-left parents and far-left peers. As such, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was seldom discussed under my roof, with my peers generally associating Israel with racism, war, and other things we were raised to hate. My reason for following Zionism, especially one of its more nationalistic variants, was not religious, and I will explicitly avoid naming my own religion because I believe Zionism to be theoretically open to all religions and backgrounds. The same goes for my race